Cat Bed
Finally, some knitting new! With the delays in Midway on Thursday night, I had a lot of time to sit and knit at the airport. I never really mind delays, but I was worried about getting home because I had been up for almost 24 hours.
I worked on the cat bed at the airport. On the flight there, one of the attendants talked to me about her knitting. She had made a cat bed with Fun Fur, and had never felted. I explained how forgiving felting is, and how nice the finished fabric feels.
For my bed, I used three very different yarns. The first was Galway in Rose left over from a sweater I made myself, the second was a cream I had bought a long time ago and don’t know what it really is because it doesn’t have a label. I used it for the GA Cardigan, and still have a ton of it left. The third was one skein of a fuzzy, course tan wool that also had been purchased a very long time ago. It’s brand name is Unger.
The straight stockinette was a great diversion for me. I could knit and not worry about a pattern and let my mind think about other things, while still creating something.
I changed the pattern a little bit. For the sides of the bed, the pattern called for eyelash yarn. I didn’t have any, and I thought that if I wanted something furry at the top, I would choose a thinker fur, like fun fur, but I didn’t have any of that with me either. I really wanted to finish the project, so I doubled the length of the top of the sides, folded it over, and did a three-needle bind off. I plan to felt it today (but probably won’t find the time) and I can’t wait to see how it turned out. I didn’t felt a swatch (I know... a big no-no) because I wanted to be daring, and I really don’t care if the project doesn’t turn out as it was made from scrap materials.
Here is a photo of the bra-cup looking start to this project.
Airplane knitting
Well, the metal knitting needles made it on the flight without a question. The only problem I had was while the plane was delayed. A really obnoxious family (loud talkers who thought everyone in the terminal was interested in everything they had to say, including bathroom trips) stared at me, until finally the father gave in and said that he couldn’t believe I was allowed on the plane with, “those”. He had a small scissors taken away from him, and surely, my plastic needles were more of a threat. I was using plastic circular needles and had a pair of 14-inch straight metal needles in my bag. He went on and on about the government and how they don’t know what they are doing until finally I said, “Well, I guess that the government realizes that knitters aren’t much of a threat because they have no problem letting us on with plastic needles, or with these.” I pulled out the huge metal needles and he gasped! I didn’t make any more eye contact with him, and he didn’t say another thing about it.
I also knit my socks off on the plane!
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