Through the Back Loop

Adventures in knitting, fiber arts, and family.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

No School for 11 Days!

School's out! School's out! Christmas break! YIPPEE! Oh, but my poor children will have to bundle up with hats, mittens, scarves, boots, snow pants, and other protective gear until they look like the Stay-Puff man in order to go to school! Poor things. I wish I could feel sorry for them, but tomorrow is my pay back. I start the school year before they do, and they love to sleep in on my first days back, only to get up as I'm leaving and muster a, "Have a good day, Mamma, hee hee". Tomorrow it is my turn.

I will not find matching socks.
I will not braid hair or put it up in a bun.
I will not sign assignment notebooks.
I will not speak, except to taunt them.
I will not open my eyes until after they have left, and then I will only open them to find the coffee and pour myself a huge cup.

I will not scream shouts of joy as they leave for school. Promise. But I may make a sassy face or two.

Ah, the life!

I have the house to myself tomorrow, but there is a huge list of things to accomplish, and it is impossible to warp time during the day, no matter what Stephanie might say! Tomorrow I must:

1. Wrap and ship the last gift that may still arrive before Christmas
2. Mail the last of the Christmas cards
3. Inventory and wrap the gifts for our girls
4. Decide what still needs to be purchased (if anything) for the girls
5. Create a pattern for my daughter's fleece pants for swim meets
6. Sew the fleece pants
7. Felt two pairs of secret clogs (which have been successfully hidden in my knitting bag. I even had my daughter knitting from the bag without knowing they were in there. I rock!)
8. Plan the Christmas meal of Beef Wellington and....... well that's the part I need to plan. Any ideas?

I'm starting to hate knitting clogs. No more. Please. It has taken me forever to knit this blue pair for my daughter, and I have to finish it tonight to felt it tomorrow and have it dry before Christmas. After that, I plan to make more. Ugh. Then I can start knitting what I want to knit. I want to knit Latvian Mittens. I want to knit a gorgeous Aran Cably sweater. I may even break down and want to knit Clapotis. Everyone else seems to like it. Oh, but I can't until after I have finished the ARRRRGHHile sock for TKGA Masters II and then the vest and the swatches I still have left. Not to mention the book reviews.

Then I can knit what I want. Oh, after the baby caps for the kids who will be college graduates soon. Ok, they are only 6 months old, but I've been wanting to make them for more than a year... this will be attempt number 3. Hopefully these will be the right size.

Then, I can knit what I want.


  • At 9:40 PM , Blogger katharine said...

    You do rock! and my oh my do you have full knitting plate! Your entry cracked me up, you must be a fun mom.


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