Through the Back Loop

Adventures in knitting, fiber arts, and family.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sittin Poolside

Just got home from an outdoor swim meet. The youngest daughter swims on the local team and this outdoor meet was a real treat. How beautiful to sit out in the sun and watch the kids swim. But as I sat, I saw a woman standing and waiting for the meet to be over so that she could swim. I instantly hated her. She was wearing a nice bikini, and she had the body to go in it. A tan-goddess, she smiled as the kids swam their events. The green monster of jealousy flared up and I wanted to beat her up, until I noticed that she was about 65 years old! Man, I hated her even more because at about half of her age I don't look even half as good in a swimming suit! Way to go lady!

I've been cooking on the final sock, there is only about 2 inches to go until I begin the toe decreases. I have worked on it at night as we watch movies I rented from the library. We have been watching one every night. Last night's was a little lame, but Pay It Forward was really good. Yes, it was the first time we had seen it (we don't get out much). After I finish the sock (probably on Wednesday or Thursday) I may start my new knit-a-long. The Rug Along - sponsored by Natalie. We cleaned up in our family room to prepare for a 5 foot by 7 foot rug. Hmm.... I may have gotten myself in too deep on this one!

I also organized my TKGA Master's Knitting materials for Level II. I want to get this completed before Christmas. We'll see if we can make it.

Now go knit your socks off!


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