Sittin Poolside
Just got home from an outdoor swim meet. The youngest daughter swims on the local team and this outdoor meet was a real treat. How beautiful to sit out in the sun and watch the kids swim. But as I sat, I saw a woman standing and waiting for the meet to be over so that she could swim. I instantly hated her. She was wearing a nice bikini, and she had the body to go in it. A tan-goddess, she smiled as the kids swam their events. The green monster of jealousy flared up and I wanted to beat her up, until I noticed that she was about 65 years old! Man, I hated her even more because at about half of her age I don't look even half as good in a swimming suit! Way to go lady!
I've been cooking on the final sock, there is only about 2 inches to go until I begin the toe decreases. I have worked on it at night as we watch movies I rented from the library. We have been watching one every night. Last night's was a little lame, but Pay It Forward was really good. Yes, it was the first time we had seen it (we don't get out much). After I finish the sock (probably on Wednesday or Thursday) I may start my new knit-a-long. The Rug Along - sponsored by Natalie. We cleaned up in our family room to prepare for a 5 foot by 7 foot rug. Hmm.... I may have gotten myself in too deep on this one!
I also organized my TKGA Master's Knitting materials for Level II. I want to get this completed before Christmas. We'll see if we can make it.
Now go knit your socks off!
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