Through the Back Loop

Adventures in knitting, fiber arts, and family.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Wish I Were HERE!

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Where in the world is this? It's Northcote, New Zealand. A suburb of Auckland, New Zealand. This picture (which I found on the internet) was taken from a street that was about a 5 minutes drive from where I lived.

Why do I want to be in Auckland, New Zealand?
Well.. just look at it!

Auckland from the North Shore.
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Takapuna Beach. Many orange-chocolate chip ice-cream cones were eaten while walking along this beach. God, I miss that flavor!
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Who wouldn't want to be here!

The real reason I would have like to have been here on Saturday, April 16, 2005 would be so that I could have attended the wedding of one of my closest friends.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woodhead

Wish I could have been there, Sharon!

Knitterly news

Flying off of the heels of finishing the Latvian Mittens, I started my Mother's Day project for my mother. Socks. These are a cotton/wool blend and hopefully will be a little cooler than the pure wool.

I debated about using a different pattern that would have some texture to it. Maybe an eyelet? Maybe some cables? But with this type of patterning yarn, I wasn't sure that I would have liked the results. I think it would have taken away from the self-pattern.

This photo was taken before the camping trip. I am now on the second white section of the leg (but haven't gotten to the heel flap yet).
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My mother gave me specific instruction, "if I would make socks." They needed to:

If? What is she talking about. Like I need an "if" to knit! HA!

Her requests:
1. Have a longer leg. In the past I made the sock to fit just above the ankle, but apparently this was not enough above the ankle. This time - CHECK - longer leg.
2. Have a longer cuff. Two inches wasn't long enough for her. CHECK
3. Use a yarn that will be cooler and can be worn in summer. CHECK
4. Keep the socks coming. Did you know that handknit socks are said to be very helpful for people with Diabetes? I saw this on some brochures that my mother brought home after she was formally diagnosed a few years ago. People with Diabetes need to take extra good care of their feet, and if problems arise, they can develop into something serious easily. My grandmother lost her leg because of Diabetes-related problems. Anyway, handknit socks have no seam at the toe, and this relieves pressure on the foot. So I've made her four pairs already. CHECK


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