That Quiet Time of the Day
It's late in the evening. The house is quiet and everyone is shifting into that nighttime mode. Temperatures today were so warm, that the windows and doors are still flung open and a nice breeze crosses the house. It's very peaceful. Michael Buble is helping with that, too.
There has been quite a bit of knitting going on. In fact, the deadline of knitting "due dates" is bearing down on me. I can't talk a lot about the project because the person who it is intended for may actually be one of my ten hits each day? Who knows.. I wouldn't want to ruin a surprise.
The knitting is going well, and it's a project that I enjoy. My family is supportive and wants me to make these things, too, so they allow me to indulge that knitting bug even more than ususal. Mother's Day was a perfect example. I got a headlamp that allows me to knit while we are on the road at night. AWESOME! There is a red light, so that I don't bother my husband the driver, or distract oncoming cars. I originally wanted it for camping trips, so that I could knit by the campfire, but I realized right away that this could also be used in the car! Now I don't have to always drive the night shift so that I'm free to knit during the daylight. Again, AWESOME!
I've used the laundry soap for all of my washing since my last post, and it has won over the hearts of all of my family. Even the picky teenager loves it and wants to use this forever. The clothes feel better. They look brighter, I think, and the fact that it's "green" (is Borax "green"? Hmmmm don't know) really apeals to my oldest daughter. I gave so much away to friends and family that I had to make a new batch this past weekend. At about two dollars a batch, I can't really complain. Most of my friends loved it and they want to have a laundry soap making party? Sounds great to me! If we serve some wine and make laundry soap - I'll be happy!
House news.
Well, I mentioned how happy I am right now. I'll leave that update for another time. It's not good news, and I don't want to ruin the moment. I'll just say that we will need to continue renting for 6 months to a year before we can buy or build anything. Long story. So, we plan to bring two little ones into the small duplex, and we are Ok with that. What's important is the quality of our family, not quantity of what we have. The best thing that we have is a happy life :)
Thanks Michael - your voice has brought real content to this weary soul on a warm and breezy spring night.
There has been quite a bit of knitting going on. In fact, the deadline of knitting "due dates" is bearing down on me. I can't talk a lot about the project because the person who it is intended for may actually be one of my ten hits each day? Who knows.. I wouldn't want to ruin a surprise.
The knitting is going well, and it's a project that I enjoy. My family is supportive and wants me to make these things, too, so they allow me to indulge that knitting bug even more than ususal. Mother's Day was a perfect example. I got a headlamp that allows me to knit while we are on the road at night. AWESOME! There is a red light, so that I don't bother my husband the driver, or distract oncoming cars. I originally wanted it for camping trips, so that I could knit by the campfire, but I realized right away that this could also be used in the car! Now I don't have to always drive the night shift so that I'm free to knit during the daylight. Again, AWESOME!
I've used the laundry soap for all of my washing since my last post, and it has won over the hearts of all of my family. Even the picky teenager loves it and wants to use this forever. The clothes feel better. They look brighter, I think, and the fact that it's "green" (is Borax "green"? Hmmmm don't know) really apeals to my oldest daughter. I gave so much away to friends and family that I had to make a new batch this past weekend. At about two dollars a batch, I can't really complain. Most of my friends loved it and they want to have a laundry soap making party? Sounds great to me! If we serve some wine and make laundry soap - I'll be happy!
House news.
Well, I mentioned how happy I am right now. I'll leave that update for another time. It's not good news, and I don't want to ruin the moment. I'll just say that we will need to continue renting for 6 months to a year before we can buy or build anything. Long story. So, we plan to bring two little ones into the small duplex, and we are Ok with that. What's important is the quality of our family, not quantity of what we have. The best thing that we have is a happy life :)
Thanks Michael - your voice has brought real content to this weary soul on a warm and breezy spring night.
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